No Guarantees
The EUclaim website offers general information about the services of EUclaim. EUclaim strives to accurately and completely include this information on this website. Although EUclaim has carefully composed the information on this website and makes use of sources that are considered reliable, EUclaim cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness and relevance of the information provided. EUclaim therefore gives no guarantee whatsoever for the comprehensiveness and/or precision thereof. Nor can rights be derived from the information offered on this website.
While it strives to do its utmost EUclaim cannot guarantee that its website functions flawlessly and without interruption. EUclaim is not liable if the website is temporarily unavailable.
Third party information, products and services
When EUclaim offers (hyper) links to third-party internet sites, this does not mean that EUclaim recommends the products or services offered on or via these internet sites. The use of such hyperlinks is therefore completely at your own risk. EUclaim does not accept any responsibility or liability with regard to the content, use or availability of such internet sites. The truthfulness, correctness, reasonableness, reliability and completeness of information on third party internet sites has not been verified by EUclaim.
By visiting our website you agree that EUclaim does not accept any liability for any damages that in any way (directly and/or indirectly) arise from the use of this website, from the incompleteness and/or inaccuracy of the on the website provided information and the (temporarily) unavailability of the website. You also agree that EUclaim does not accept any liability for services offered by third parties via this website.
Intellectual Property
All intellectual property rights concerning the information on this website, include, but is not restricted to, the material, photographs, illustrations, names, logos, marks and other intellectual property rights, belong to EUclaim or the relevant owner. You may not copy, download, publish, distribute or reproduce any of the information contained on this website in any form without the prior written consent of EUclaim or the appropriate consent of the owner. However, you may print out and/or download information contained on this website for you own personal use in accordance with our Terms & Conditions.
Applicable law
Dutch law applies to this website and to this disclaimer.
EUclaim reserves the right to change the information offered on or via this website, including the text of this disclaimer, at any time without making a (further) announcement. It is recommended to periodically check whether the information offered on or via this website, including the text of this disclaimer, has been changed.