Empty runway at airport due to delayed flight

Check your right to flight compensation

Get compensation for flight delay, cancellation, missed connection or denied boarding

Check your right to compensation. You could be entitled to up to €600 per passenger. Check your flight now and we’ll advise you, free of charge, within three minutes.
Free flight compensation check

794.890 satisfied customers

Was your flight delayed for three hours or more? Missed a connecting flight? Was your flight cancelled? Were you denied boarding? We’ll make sure you get the compensation you deserve.

Your rights as an airline passenger

Within the European Union, passenger rights are protected by Regulation 261/2004. In the UK, since 2021, these rights have been protected in legislation The Air Passenger Rights and Air Travel Organisers’ Licensing (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019.

The legislation that applies to your flight depends on the route you took and the airline you flew with. To be covered by any of the legislation, your flight must meet the following rules:

  • Depart from an airport in the United Kingdom and the flight was operated by an UK airline
  • Or flying from the EU or to the EU with an European airline

If your flight is delayed by two hours or more, the airline is obliged to provide you with food and drink and, if necessary, hotel accommodation. If this is not provided, you can claim a refund from the airline.

How can we help you?

  • Flight delay
  • Flight cancelled
  • Missed connection
  • Denied boarding

Right to compensation

Does your flight fall under one of the regulations and did you arrive at your final destination with more than three hours’ delay? If so, you may be entitled to compensation for loss of time. If the the flight delay was due to an extraordinary circumstance, you are not entitled to compensation.

When ‘extraordinary circumstances’ apply, the airline can show that they were not responsible for the delay. Examples of such circumstances are bad weather conditions and acts of terrorism.

New Ruling for claiming compensation outside of EU

A recent ruling has changed your right to compensation for flightproblems happening outside of the EU. If your journey starts in the EU and you have to transfer flights outside of the EU, and that second flight is delayed or cancelled, this is considered a part of the journey that started in the EU.

Therefore, you are still entitled to compensation for flightproblems occuring outside of the EU when your journey started in the EU.

Amount of compensation

If your flight falls under EU Regulation 261/2004 or The Air Passenger Rights and Air Travel Organisers’ Licensing (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019, the amount of compensation you are entitled to is based on the distance of the flight.

Compensation per passenger

  • flight


    Short distance

    up to 1500 km

    ex. London – Benidorm

  • flight


    Medium distance

    1500 – 3500 km

    ex. Dublin – Tenerife

  • flight


    Long distance

    over 3500 km

    ex. Edinburgh – Singapore

  • €250* compensation for a delayed flight up to 1500 km
  • €400* compensation for a delayed flight between 1500 and 3500 km
  • €600* compensation for a delayed flight of more than 3500 km

For a flight of 3,500 km or more and a delay of between three and four hours, passengers are entitled to 50% of the compensation in accordance with the Sturgeon Decision.

*The route you flew and the airline that operated the flight determine whether you fall within the scope of Regulation EC 261 (and are entitled to Euros) or the Air Passenger Rights and Air Travel Organisers’ Licensing (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (and are entitled to GBP).

List of flights eligible for compensation

We analyse around 13 million flight, news and weather reports every day. We use this information to compile an up-to-date list of flights for which we know passengers may be entitled to compensation.

Has your flight been cancelled or delayed recently? Check our list to find out if you are entitled to compensation.
Please note that this list is only a selection and is not exhaustive.

How you get flight delay compensation

We can give you free advice on whether you are entitled to compensation. All we need are the details of your delayed flight. Fill in your flight number and date in the free flight compensation calcalutor and you will immediately receive our advice.

Submit your claim through EUclaim and we will deal with the entire process on a ‘no win no fee’ basis.

Written by Jerrymie

Jerrymie Marcus got in touch with EUclaim due to a 4-hour delay. Through EUclaim, the marketing specialist received €600 in compensation.

More about Jerrymie

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