Is your Iberia Express flight cancelled?
Check your compensation rights
Did Iberia Express cancel your flight?
Does your flight fall under Regulation 261/2004 and was it cancelled? If so, you may be entitled to compensation for loss of time. This compensation can amount to up to €600 per person. We will be happy to tell you more about what your rights are and whether you are entitled to compensation.
When are you entitled to a compensation if your flight with Iberia Express is cancelled?
- You are not entitled to compensation if you were informed more than two weeks in advance
- You are entitled to compensation if you are informed between 14 and 7 days before departure and you arrived more than 4 hours later
- You are entitled to compensation if you were informed 7 days or less before departure and you arrived more than 2 hours later.
You are only compensated if you were flying from an EU country, or from outside the EU tot a EU country with a European airline.
You should be offered a replacement flight by Iberia Express
Iberia Express is obliged to offer you an alternative flight. The above schedule of compensation will apply if you accept the alternative flight and then arrive at the airport earlier or later than planned.
Even if you were informed by Iberia Express less than 2 weeks before the scheduled departure and you refuse the alternative flight, you are entitled to compensation. In addition, you must get a refund of your ticket costs. You always have the right to refuse an alternative flight.
How high is the compensation Iberia Express has to pay you?
If your flight falls under EU Regulation 261/2004 and you are entitled to compensation, the amount of compensation is based on the distance of the flight. This is divided in destinations within the EU and outside of the EU.
Within the EU:
- €250 compensation for a cancelled flight up to 1500 km
- €400 compensation for a cancelled flight between 1500 and 3500 km
For flight destinations outside the EU you are entitled to:
- €250 compensation for a cancelled flight up to 1500 km
- €400 compensation for a cancelled flight between 1500 and 3500 km
- €600 compensation for a flight exceeding 3500 km
Calculate the distance of your flight
How you get your flight delay compensation?
EUclaim offers free advice on your rights to compensation in the event of flight cancellation. All we need is your flight details. Enter your flight number and date and we will give you immediate advice on your rights. Submit your claim through EUclaim and we will take care of the whole process on a no win no fee basis.
Recent flights with Iberia Express that experienced problems
Every day EUclaim analyses around 13 million flight, news and weather reports. Based on this information, we compile an up-to-date list of cancelled flights and the problems they experienced. Has your flight been cancelled? Check the list to see if your flight is on it.
Recently cancelled Iberia Express flights
About EUclaim
EUclaim was founded in 2007 and helps airpassengers receive compensation from the airline. With our access to the Lennoc Flight Intelligence database we review million flights a day and assess them to the rules that comply with Regulation 261/2004 or The Air Passenger Rights and Air Travel Organisers’ Licensing (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019. Our data combined with our team of legal experts guarantee our 97 percent success rate in court. EUclaim helps you receive compensation for your flight delay or flight cancellation!
Claim your compensation for flight cancellation
Check whether you are entitled to compensation in our database. Within 3 minutes you will know whether you are entitled to compensation.