National strike Belgium

Strike at SunExpress

Were you affected by the SunExpress strike resulting in a delayed or cancelled flight? It’s important to know that you may be eligible for compensation. Educate yourself on your legal rights or verify your eligibility for compensation.

In the event of a strike by SunExpress staff, your flight may be affected, and you are entitled to specific rights, such as compensation. This article describes your entitlements and provides guidance on appropriate actions during a SunExpress strike.

The strike at SunExpress has resulted in numerous flight cancellations

The strike by SunExpress employees has led to the cancellation of many flights, which is causing significant disruption for a lot of passengers. Unfortunately, for some travelers, the cancellation means their trip cannot proceed as scheduled.

Discover if you’re eligible for compensation when your flight is delayed or cancelled due to an airline strike by SunExpress,  try our free flight check now!

Flight delayed for more than 2 hours, you have the right to be taken care of

A wildcat strike, also known as an unofficial strike, can be unexpected and leave you stranded. If your SunExpress flight has been delayed by over 2 hours, you’re entitled to food, drink, and accommodation if necessary. The airline may provide vouchers for these, but if not, be sure to keep receipts to claim expenses from the airline later.

It’s not mandatory to accept a different flight offered by SunExpress.

The airline is obliged to offer you a complimentary alternative flight. They should try to provide you with the earliest possible flight, but if all the flights are fully booked, they might offer you an alternative option that makes your travel plans redundant.

If the airline proposes an alternative flight that doesn’t suit you, you can refuse it and the airline must refund the ticket price. If the airline fails to offer you an alternative or if you find a better option on your own, the airline must compensate you for the price difference between the two tickets.

Suggestion: Hold off on taking any action until you receive a final notification from SunExpress

We understand you want to make sure you have a new flight quickly, but we recommend waiting for final confirmation from SunExpress that your flight has been cancelled before booking an alternative flight, as there may not be many other flights available from other airlines. If the strike is cancelled, you’d lose all the money you spent on a new ticket.

Affected by the strike of SunExpress? You are entitled to compensation

In the event of a strike by the airline’s own personnel, such as pilots, cabin crew, or ground staff, SunExpress can be held accountable. According to Regulation 261/2004, this is not considered force majeure, and you have the right to compensation if your arrival is delayed by more than 3 hours or you arrive 1 hour earlier.

The compensation amount is based on the distance of your travel and whether the cancellation of your flight was communicated less than 2 weeks before your departure.

english graph flight cancelled rights

The amount of compensation is not dependent on your ticket price. It is possible that the compensation you receive is higher than the cost of your ticket. The amount of compensation is determined based on the distance of the journey.

Flight destinations within the EU:

  • €250 compensation for flights up to 1500 km
  • €400 compensation for flights over 1500 km

Flight destinations outside the EU:

  • €250 compensation for flights up to 1500 km
  • €400 compensation for flights between 1500 km and 3500 km
  • €600 compensation for flights over 3500 km

Do you qualify for compensation?

The EUclaim database quickly determines if you are eligible for compensation. Simply enter your flight date and number. If you are entitled to compensation, file a claim immediately. We’ll help you get the compensation you deserve with a 97% success rate guarantee.

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