Flying home for Christmas

It is the most wonderful time of the year. Books have been written about it, films have been made about it and songs have been sung about it. Travelling home to your family for the holidays is usually something to look forward to. 

Christmas at Heathrow

However, the Christmas holidays are also at the time of year that the weather is most unpredictable. Snow, storms and heavy rain can easily affect your travel plans. And if there is one thing you won’t be excited about, it is spending the holidays at the airport.

Take your time

This year Christmas Day falls on a weekend. Just like New Year’s. Therefore many passengers will want to travel on the Friday or Saturday before Christmas and expect to make it there in time for the celebrations. Sadly, many won’t. Flying so close to the holidays will increase your chances of missing Christmas dinner. We strongly advise you to take an extra day of work to ensure you reach your holiday destination on time.

If you are not planning on spending the holiday festivities with your family, you can find the cheapest flight tickets over Christmas. Since it is often quiet on flights during the festive period itself, you can get the best deals and can travel across the world at a much lower price. Not only that, think about the peace and quiet you’ll experience on the plane!

Are you travelling by plane this holiday season? 

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