Goodbye to the reclining seat and mid-flight air rage!

It seems that the end is nigh for the reclining seat on planes. In a survey of 1,000 passengers by Skyscanner last year it found that 91% of passengers would like to see reclining seats banned, while 60% of cabin crew said that people’s tendency to recline without warning or thought for fellow passengers was a regular reason for a mid-air tantrum.

So, passengers will be pleased to learn that Monarch has become the latest airline to remove the reclining seat replacing it with a new ergonomic design which will provide extra legroom and seat backs that will offer enough space to stow a water bottle, jacket, toys with the added benefit of  a specially designed tablet holder.

And there’s more good news, the seats will also be lighter meaning they will help save fuel and reduce carbon emissions, Monarch said, with a set of new seats on a flight to Egypt requiring 255kg less fuel, equal to 816kg of carbon dioxide emissions.

Monarch joins a small group of airlines, including Ryanair, which have rejected reclining seats on all or some of their flights.

A final top tip gleaned from the survey – if your airline still has reclining seats then make sure you seat yourself behind young female passengers as they are the most considerate when reclining BUT avoid men over the age of 35 as they are the most selfish.   You have been warned!

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