Winter weather impacts flights from and to the UK

It was a rough winter weekend for British passengers as more than a thousand flights were cancelled from and to the UK yesterday. Especially British Airways passengers were affected yesterday. Thousands of passengers were stranded because of the snow.

flights stranded at airport covered in snow

Heavy snowfall on Sunday disrupts flights

Especially Sunday proved its difficulties for air passengers. 1157 flights were cancelled due to the weather and 383 flights were delayed for over three hours. Chaos emerged at some large airports such as Heathrow as angry passengers were waiting for information on their journey. Across Europe a total of 2414 flights were cancelled because of snow and ice the past weekend.

[youtube_video classes=”” id=”mQmYCiBsJyQ” url=”” name=”Snow causes disruption at UK airports” videooptions=”rel=0″ desc=”The past weekend 1300 flights from and to the UK were cancelled due to the snow. Jasmijn tells you all about the impact for passengers.” durationmin=”1″ durationsec=”37″ uploaddate=”2017-12-12″ thumbnailurl=””]

Your rights when dealing with cancelled flights

If your flight was affected by the winter weather, you are unfortunately not entitled to compensation. Poor weather conditions are extraordinary circumstances for which the airline cannot be held responsible. The airline is however responsible for your well-being during the delay, having to provide you with food vouchers and a hotel stay if needed.

Are you in doubt about your entitlements and if your flight was affected by the snow? Check your flight below and we give you instant advice on your rights.

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