Airport delay


Stay updated on your passenger rights

Our superior service allows us to excel in the assistance of air passengers as we are very attentive to the latest developments in commercial European air travel on both legal, leisure and professional grounds. We are happy to keep you posted on these latest developments.

  • 12-12-2016

    The Sun: Cheater Flights

    We reveal air-faced cheek of airlines trying cut compo bills as we test how long it takes to ask for money you’re owed.

    Researchers tested how long it took to discover how to claim by browsing firms’ websites, without typing in 'claim form'. The Sun wrote an article about it. 

  • 26-10-2016

    The most ridiculous reasons for flight delays and cancellations revealed

    EUclaim hears gets notified of interesting flight delay reasons all the time. Some of these reasons are really extraordinary. Some flights suffered delays due to escaped mouses in the cabin, others were subjected to missing cutlery for example.

  • 26-07-2016

    UK’s worst offending airlines and airports of 2016 revealed

    Last week we published data showing the most complained about British airlines during the first half of 2016. Our ‘Carriers of Shame’ list revealed for the first time, how many claims we processed against each British airline in the first half of 2016. 

  • 30-06-2016

    What could Brexit mean for British Travellers?

    Earlier this month we revealed to British travellers that a Brexit could cost up to £300 million a year in compensation if EC Regulation 26/ 2004 was no longer binding.

  • 04-05-2016

    EUclaim won a landmark ruling against Thomas Cook

    Read all about our landmark ruling won against Thomas Cook that opens up a new front in the battle for passenger rights. 

  • 21-03-2016

    EUclaim in the press: French air traffic control strike

    Lovely coverage in the press based on our press release Flight misery for Brits travelling to Southern Europe in 2016.

  • 08-10-2015

    EUclaim in the press: van der Lans vs. KLM ruling

    Great news for airline passengers. The European Court of Justice decided that ‘a technical problem’ is not one of the extraordinary circumstances that airlines can use as a valid defence against paying flight delay compensation. The European Court of Justice ruled in favour of passengers in a case involving KLM.

  • 23-07-2015

    EUclaim at You & Yours BBC Radio 4

    You & Yours, BBC Radio 4’s consumer affairs programme is taking a look at the issue of missed flight connections today.
  • British airplanes on London Heathrow


    EUclaim’s impressive flight data has been used again!

    The EUClaim report said: ‘There are two main reasons for the poor start to the year. Firstly the winter weather across Europe has been worse than 2014 this particularly affected Jet2, easyJet and Monarch who suffered considerable delays on their routes to Chambery and Grenoble in France.
  • 08-04-2015

    Lovely coverage in The Telegraph and

    Lovely coverage in The Telegraph and today based on our story entitled French Air Traffic Controllers are striking again which means one thing – good weather ahead!

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