Airport delay


About all things concerning aviation

Every week we illustrate various subjects regarding our service, passenger rights and commercial aviation. We also provide you with tips & tricks regarding air travel.

  • travelling lady with face covering at heathrow airport


    Corona safety measures at London Heathrow Airport

    If your flight departs from London Heathrow Airport it is important to know all about the corona safety measures taken by the airport. EUclaim informs you about face coverings, cleaning standards and social distance.

  • passengers waiting in gate for delayed flight


    Five reasons for a cancelled flight

    There are countless reasons why airlines cancel flights. For some cancellations you are entitled to compensation and for some you are not. We share five reason why flights could be cancelled and when you are entitled to compensation according to Regulation 261/2004.

  • airplane with first aid wing


    First aid when your flight is delayed

    Do you know how to handle a flight delay? Do you know your passenger rights? EUclaim presents you a summary of checks in case of a flight delay.

  • airplanes with setting sun


    Missed connection due to flight delay

    Connecting flights are flights which require passengers to switch to a different aircraft after a flight, in order to reach the final destination. If the first flight is delayed, there is a chance passengers will miss the next flight.

  • passenger with facemask looking at airplane


    How to prepare your flight during the corona crisis?

    To prevent the spread of the corona virus (COVID-19) there are different things you can do before and during your flight to help keep you and others as safe as possible. Time to prepare for your travels!

  • man waiting on airport due to flight delay


    The most delayed summer routes of 2019

    The summer of 2020 will be an exceptional one from the previous summers because of the coronavirus. It is still uncertain if we can go to populair citytrip destinations such as Barcelona or Chicago. It is nevertheless interesting to share the figures of 2019. These popular city trip destinations are among the most delayed routes of last summer!
  • lady looking outside while waiting on airport


    How to calculate flight time and flight distance?

    If you are going on a city trip of holiday, it could be nice to know what your flight time and flight distance will be. We show you how you can easily calculate your flight time so you can prepare for a long or short flight.

  • lady relaxing in hammock with beautiful view


    Holiday feeling in quarantine: tips & inspiration!

    Whether you are working at home, caring for your loved one or working hard in the social care sector, everyone can use some distraction during this quarantine time. We give you tips and inspiration to gently stir up your holiday feeling.

  • View on an airplane on London Heathrow Airport


    Coronavirus: frequently asked questions

    Due to the coronavirus many flights have been cancelled and it is unclear when this will all be over. We received many question from travelers because there are a lot of ambiguities about your rights as an airline passenger. This page lists the most frequently asked questions about the coronavirus and booked flight tickets.

  • man with mouth cap due to coronavirus


    Cancelled flight due to coronavirus? These are your rights

    The impact of the coronavirus is clearly noticeable in aviation. The demand for airline tickets is decreasing, airlines are cancelling flights and travel warnings are changing daily. Have you booked a ticket to one of the risk areas? There is a chance your flight will be cancelled. What are your rights if you have to deal with a flight cancellation due to the coronavirus?

Questions? Live Chat!
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