Airport delay


About all things concerning aviation

Every week we illustrate various subjects regarding our service, passenger rights and commercial aviation. We also provide you with tips & tricks regarding air travel.

  • European Aviation in Numbers


    The Summer of 2022, European Aviation in Numbers

    What happened in Europe last summer? EUclaim has the statistics. Last summer (June, July & August), more than 2,576 million flights were scheduled. Which airline had the most delays, which had the most cancellations and which major strikes affected your holiday plans? We have all the statistics for you and have made a comparison with 2018 and 2019, as these were the last of pre-Covid years.
  • 12-04-2022

    Tips for flying in bad weather

    Bad weather has an effect on traffic, including air traffic. Strong winds, thunderstorms, fog and snow can disrupt air traffic considerably. How can you best avoid the inconveniences of flying in bad weather? We will explain it to you.
  • Ground staff refuelling an aircraft


    Fuel prices sky high! Will airline ticket prices go up too?

    When you fill up your car at the gas station, you feel the high price directly in your wallet. You would think that the high fuel prices have a direct effect on the price you pay for your flight ticket. This assumption does not seem to be entirely correct. EUclaim explains the relationship between high fuel prices and the cost of your airline ticket.
  • British Airways airplanes in line


    Can you confidently board a plane that has been stationary for a long time?

    It was a special sight, the many planes parked at London Heathrow and in the Mojave Desert when there was much less flying due to Corona. But what does standing still do to an aircraft and is it safe to board an aircraft that has been standing still for so long?
  • Passport and camera on bed


    3 essential photos before you travel

    A holiday isn’t complete without holiday snaps, but did you know that it pays off to take photos before the trip as well? For example, it is a good idea to take a picture of the contents of your suitcase. Why? EUclaim, an expert in the field of aviation, will be happy to explain.

  • A European flag blows away in London


    How will Brexit affect flying to Europe?

    The departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union has been a fact since 31 December 2021. This means that a lot of changes will take place including flying between the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe. What are the changes to your rights as an air passenger due to Brexit and where exactly can you find this out? EUclaim is happy to explain it to you.
  • Couple standing in front of the beach with their suitcases


    My suitcase has been delayed. What now?

    A holiday without a well-filled suitcase with clothes sets and toiletries? Of course you don’t want to think about that. However, it may happen that your suitcase does not arrive at the holiday destination. It is possible, for example, that, due to the hustle and bustle at the airport, suitcases are left behind or even go to the wrong destination.

  • Packing christmas presents with a ribbon


    Christmas in corona time? EUclaim shares 5 ideas

    It’s unsure how to celebrate Christmas this year due to the coronavirus. Despite the uncertain situation, it is possible to celebrate a merry Christmas in corona time. How? EUclaim shares five ideas to make Christmas a pleasant time.

  • 08-10-2020

    Trends in air traffic since the outbreak of the coronavirus

    Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, air traffic has not been the same. Large airports that play a key role in Europe, such as our very own London Heathrow Airport, do not expect a full recovery until 2023. EUclaim investigated the trends and changes in air traffic since the outbreak of the global pandemic.

  • view on best seat in airplane during corona


    Safest seat on an airplane to avoid corona

    In times of the coronavirus (COVID-19) it is important to know where to sit on an airplane. Based on various studies, EUclaim explains where to sit during a flight in times of the coronavirus.

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